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How To Build a SaaS Course Pricing

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"Kyle is extremely knowledgeable and I've learned a ton from his How to Build a SaaS course, especially important architectural decisions, like what an API endpoint should look like versus a controller or model—and how they tie together. The beginning of the course is a bit slow, but it picks up from the 3rd module. Overall, the value that I gained learning strongly outweighed the cost of the course, and in general I enjoy Kyle's business practices and feedback style. Recommended to anyone looking to become a well-balanced JS developer."
Arrigo Lupori
Arrigo Lupori

Developer & Marketer

"I stumbled across the course after looking for a React/Node.js SaaS boilerplate as we were looking to move tech stacks for an existing project. I quickly picked the course up as well as the boilerplate, and wow was that a great choice. Kyle dives deep into so many concepts - and has given us new views on our existing approach to things such as user management and API security. The amount of insight in this course is so deep, specific to SaaS and valuable. None of the paid courses or free tutorials come remotely close. 5 stars!"
Andrew M
Andrew M


"I would like to build a SaaS by myself but need a structured course which can teach me all the steps to build it given that I have basic programming knowledge (JS and Python). I have been searching around in the Internet for a week and fortunately found this course. It is definitely the best course as the whole learning experience is driven by a practical project. Though sometimes I find it is hard to understand the programming concepts, Kyle is very helpful and patient to answer our questions in the Discord channel. I highly recommend this course!"